Buying vs Renting a House - Which is Better?

Pros of Homebuying

- Asset Building

- Tax Benefits

- Low Rate of Interest &   High Rate of Appreciation

- No Shifting or Moving

- No Interference of   Landlord

- A Sense of Security

Cons of Homebuying

- Upfront costs for down   payment, registration fees, etc.

- Complex Buying Process

- Paying Property Tax

- Regular Maintenance Costs

- Long Term Investment

Pros of Renting

- Less Upfront Expenses

- Utilities Included in rent

- No Long-term Commitment

- Landlord Pays for   Maintenance

- Rental Insurance is    Inexpensive

Cons of Renting

- Rising Rent

- No Tax Benefits

- Limitations by Landlord

- Post Retirement Challenges

- Societal Challenges